Saturday, December 29, 2012

Have a Seat

Hollywood Beach by SFlaGuy

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cheeseburger Baby Catering Truck

Cheeseburger Baby by SFlaGuy
Every Monday night in downtown Hollywood the food trucks circle the Arts Park. So many to pick from but since this Cheeseburger Baby took the time to pose, this is where I ate. The Philly Cheese Steak was the best. See the rest of the menu at Cheeseburger Baby

Monday, December 17, 2012

When you Gotta Go

Public Restroom Hollywood Beach by SFlaGuy
This one goes out to my favorite blogger Red Nomand Oz. She just published a calendar of scenic public restrooms across Australia. I'm starting my collection with this photo.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Cafe Volare

Cafe Volare by SFlaGuy
I was passing by Cafe Volare on 2033 Harrison Street and out pops the owner offering me a glass of wine.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Under New Management

Bistro Bon Marche by SFlaGuy

Oceans Eleven no more. Looks interesting thru the window. I'll check back when it's open.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Pavillion on the Beach

Hollywood Beach by SFlaGuy
For more of my photos from Hollywood FL and around the world

Monday, November 19, 2012

Love in the Long Lens

Hollywood Beach by SFlaGuy
This shot was taken with my 300MM lens and a 2X doubler from the south end of Hollywood Beach.

For more of my photos from Hollywood FL and around the world

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Best View on the Intracoastal

Draw Bridge at Hollywood Blvd by SFlaGuy
Drawbridge tending in style on Hollywood Beach

For more of my photos from Hollywood FL and around the world

Monday, November 12, 2012

Bridge to Somewhere

Hollywood Beach by SFlaGuy
Protecting the natural coastline yet still providing access to the beach

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mini Yacht

Sailing North Lake by SFlaGuy
Before taking your new sailboat for a spin, you need to learn how to sail. This is a great way to learn the wind.

For more of my photos from Hollywood FL and around the world

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Coming in for a Landing

Hollywood Beach by SFlaGuy
Tourists and birds flying in for a Florida vacation

For more of my photos from Hollywood FL and around the world

Monday, November 5, 2012

Obama Visits Hollywood, FL

President Obama at MacArthur High School Hollywood, FL by Barbara
This was my chance to see the President in my own backyard. The energy was crazy. I love that Florida could go either way. It says that we don't want to be taken for granted.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

See Birds at the Sea Shore

Sea Birds by SFlaGuy
I was trying to get a shot of sea gulls at the shore line when someone walked by and they all took flight. So much for the close up but a much more interesting shot.

For more of my photos from Hollywood FL and around the world
Click Here

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Keating Beach

Keating Beach by Ulysses
A tropical spot. Hollywood, FL.

The Off Season

Hollywood Beach by Ulises
There are only a very few moments during the year the Broad Walk is this quiet on Hollywood Beach. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Morning at the Beach

Hollywood Beach by SFlaGuy
This may look like a helicopter shot but I was actually standing on the top of the Garfield Street parking garage.

Ghost Beach

Hollywood Beach by Ulises
It is nearly impossible to get a picture of Hollywood Beach this deserted but with a lot of patience, a lot of visits, and the exact right time of day, it can happen just for a moment.  

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Butterfly has Landed

Britto Butterfly Sculpture Arts Park Hollywood by SFlaGuy

Romero Britto is a world famous artist from Miami. His sculptures can be found throughout Miami and other Florida cities as well as Basel Switzerland, China, Russia, and many other parts of the world. This installation is in the Arts Park in Downtown Hollywood.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Bench with a View

Hollywood Beach by Ulises
The best way to begin the day.

Dawn of a New Blog

Hollywood Beach by SFlaGuy

Starting off my new blog appropriately enough with a Hollywood Beach sunrise photo. A cell phone photo no less. Hollywood FL is a picture postcard kind of town and I'm willing to bet there are better photos out there waiting to be posted. I'm looking for the best beach, downtown, nightlife, and anything that says Hollywood.

Email a photo, your name or handle if you want a photo credit, and a paragraph or two if you like. This is a humble beginning from which I hope to have a real showcase of photos.